目前分類:思考筆記 (21)

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一點心得(在上過 Frances 寫作課三年後 XD)


淋巴塊 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

在一篇 paper 裡看見明顯的邏輯錯誤,一開始感到不安迷惑,想說為什麼這個問題審委竟沒發現?

而後再仔細想想,其實這是好事,寫 paper 除了是累積公眾知識,也是和大家溝通對話的過程,不需要拿完美這件事逼死自己也整垮別人。

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  • Jul 25 Wed 2012 00:40
  • 迷惘


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  • Jul 03 Tue 2012 02:40
  • 送別


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淋巴塊 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The best travel is the way home. Either it’s the home of family or the home with memories of childhood. I remember when I first left home for college, my mom seemed so sad for my long term gone. So my first trip back to Taipei, on the first weekend which is only few days after I left, became a huge event. I got a substantial welcome-home feast for compensation for suffering from seriously lack of nutrition, even I was a choppy girl then. And of course things like this did make home a secure base for me in the following years living apart with my family. So even I’ve left home to travel many times, it is always the way home makes me feel most warm inside. Besides being with family, I also feel home coming when I visit places full of memories of childhood like grandma’s house in Chiayi county or Yingge where I grew up before 7. Every time when I travel to places like those, besides exciting, I might also feel refresh by calling back old memories or even feel sad by seeing the landscapes changing. Feelings may not be all positive, but the combination is definitely unique and there is no any other national scenery area or museum could substitute. Therefore, although I’ve had many wonderful experiences traveling to other countries or great national parks either alone or with friends, the most desired travel for me is always the way home, the way back.

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淋巴塊 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

恍然一瞬離開台灣已經十個月, 進入最後緊鑼密鼓階段. 現在的首要任務, 就是把過去十個月鬆掉的螺絲全部鎖緊, 上油, 要衝刺啦.

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Dear 毛毛:

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  • Jan 09 Wed 2008 00:51
  • 心酸


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我就可以大聲地說「No, sir. No paper today!」

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